Update: 8-23-2010, 4:39pm

.: Links



Originaltrilogy.com -- The site that began the organized movement to preserve the Star Wars trilogy. Their petition to get the original cuts on DVD gained over 70,000 digital signatures, and at least put pressure on Lucas to release the films in 2006. They are currently hosting a petition for Blu Ray release--the ultimate form of preservation.

The People Versus George Lucas -- Website for the documentary of the same name. An irreverant and humourous look at the dysfunctional relationship Lucas has sowed with many of his admirers, and a very important section on the issue of Star Wars' original version suppression.


Untouched is Impossible: The Story of Star Wars in Film -- An informative article conducted with Michael Kaminski by Ars Technica looking at the theoretical preservation of Star Wars and how it can be saved.

Aspect Ratios: A Primer -- Quick guide to aspects on home video, plus understanding why the letterboxed 2006 release won't look as good on your widescreen monitor.

Star Wars on Blu-Ray: George, Don't Do That -- An editorial from UK's The Guardian lamenting the suppression of the original versions.

Attack of the Show -- Watch some tool who owns theforce.net try to defend the 2006 DVD release while Bill Hunt from Digital Bits puts up the rational discourse that should have met official ears instead of this guy.